You could help someone else find the freedom that you have found through forgiveness!

Order today!


The Power of Forgiveness

CAN change lives – you can help!

This Leader’s Guide will help you lead a group in experiencing the freedom that forgiveness brings. 

This Leader’s Discussion Guide includes

·        Guidelines for how to conduct a discussion group

·        Discussion questions related to each chapter in Freedom through Forgiveness: The Power of Forgiveness Can Change Your Life 

·        Participation Exercises based on the Steps in Freedom through Forgiveness: The Power of Forgiveness Can Change Your Life 

·        Step-by-step guidance on how to lead the Participation Exercises and what to do afterwards

·        Suggestions to help group members get the most out of the material, especially if they feel “stuck”

·        How to create an atmosphere for “heart openness” during discussions and the participation exercises

The Leader's Discussion Guide is available on Amazon as a paperback and in the Kindle format.

To view the videos developed for this series, go to
this page.
To download the Group Guidelines and Session Guide handout, click here
. In Adobe, choose to print "Multiple Pages" and enter 2.

Special Offer for Leaders: If you order 15 or more copies of the paperback book, Freedom through Forgiveness: The Power of Forgiveness Can Change Your Life, for your group members in one order, I will send you the Leader's Discussion Guide e-book version FREE. Just email me the confirmation of your order from Amazon and I'll send it to you. Please specify if you'd like the PDF or the Kindle edition.
 © 2011-2014 Sandy Walker,
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