Fear goes by many names:

Feeling . . . anxious worried
concerned apprehensive 

Which one describes you the most?

Are you ready to get rid of that fear?

You can do it, if you want to. You don't have to be controlled by fear anymore.
Read this article ----> for how to overcome. 

There is hope!
You CAN be free from your fears, if you are willing to let go. Give it a try today!

If you'd like some help facing your fears - someone who will listen without judging you, contact Sandy today. She's helped a lot of people overcome their fears and experience more peace and joy on a daily basis.

She'd love to hear from you!

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"I have more peace and what I can have in exchange for my fear brings light and a joy to my life. I'm going to hold onto that exercise for future reference. Thank you for the resource." SR, website visitor
Overcoming Fear

Fear and anxiety are the basis for so much of what we struggle with on a daily basis. Fear is the emotion or negative energy we experience when we are concerned about the possibility of something bad happening to us over which we have no control. Anxiety is experiencing the combined energy of multiple fears – they may be conscious or unconscious. Overwhelming anxiety leads to anxiety disorders and depression – the most common mental health issue in the world today.

babyWhen we are babies, we do not have many fears. Studies have shown that newborn infants primarily demonstrate fear of two things – being dropped (they demonstrate a natural clutching response) and loud noises (they appear startled and often cry). Other than that, they are fearless.

Fear is a learned response to life experience. We were not born to fear – we were taught to fear.  This is good news – this means we can unlearn fear. We do not have to be driven by fear in our day-to-day lives.

Fear surrounds us in society. Notice the headline news – it is usually based on fear. Think of the many things we do to deal with the fear – we talk about the news, we tell others the news we heard, we talk about what we would do if we were in a similar situation. These are all ways we are trying to process the fear we are experiencing. But these actions don’t remove the fear from our hearts.

Very often if you find yourself doing things you don’t want to do, you will find fear as the root of them. Even simple actions can be grounded in fear. Think of the last time you got dressed for a social event – did you look in the mirror and then decide to wear something else? What motivated that decision? We might think, “This doesn’t look right” or “I look fat in this”. In reality, we are often striving to fit in by wearing what we believe others will think is acceptable. Why? Because we fear being rejected, ridiculed, criticized, etc.

The Step: Fear Finder can bring clarity about any fears you discover you have. Finding the root of the fear is the first step to removing it from your life. Choosing to forgive those that taught you to fear is one way to release the hold that fear has had on you. Try it and see what happens!

If you suffer from anxiety, determine what the primary fear is that bothers you. Start with that one. As others come to your mind, work through the Fear Finder Step on each one individually. If you do not know what it is that you fear, then start by asking, "Spirit of Truth, what am I afraid of?" This will bring clarity.

There is a fear that is a natural reaction to danger – this is a knee jerk reaction we have for survival. You may not want to completely eliminate that kind of fear – it could save your life. But most of our fears are limiting – they steal our peace and our joy, they keep us up at night, they bring barriers to our relationships and to our ability to go forward in life.

Imagine: What would your life be like 
if you had no fear?

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Step: Fear Finder

Go to a place where you will not be interrupted. Take a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly to help you relax and to quiet your mind.

Say these statements/questions out loud and then wait for an answer. An answer may come as a feeling, a thought, a picture in your mind, a word, a memory or just an inner knowing. You can do this alone or with a friend. If no answer comes to the first question, go to a different step – this may not be the right time for this step.

Focus on a specific fear you have and ask,

“Spirit of Truth, where did this fear come from?”  (pause and wait for an answer)

“Who taught me this fear?”  (pause and wait for an answer)

“I forgive _(name)_ for teaching me this fear.  I release them from the harm they caused me. I forgive myself for allowing this fear to control me. I no longer choose to partner with this fear. I let it go.”

Take deep cleansing breaths, release the negative emotions and let them go.

 “Spirit of Truth, what can I have in exchange?” (pause and wait for an answer)

“I receive _______ in exchange for my fear of ______.”

(pause and open your heart to receive)

You can do this step with Sandy by watching the video on the Books & Video page
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Note: We refer to the "Spirit of Truth" as a means to access the clarity or insight needed. Many people find that this method helps them obtain information that may not be readily available to their conscious mind. 

If you have questions about forgiveness or fear, feel free to contact Sandy. It's not an easy topic, but it is essential to those who are seeking personal freedom. For a more detailed discussion of forgiveness, click here.

A Freedom Coach can help you experience freedom from fear, worry and insecurity. Click here to get more information.

The article above is an excerpt from Sandy's book, Freedom through Forgiveness: The Power of Forgiveness Can Change Your Life. For more information about the power of forgiveness, including how to order the book, please
click here.

Please feel free to forward this page to someone who needs to overcome fear. It might be just what they need to hear today.

 © 2011-2014 Sandy Walker, Destinysfreedom.com
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