"It has made all the difference to achieving my goals that I was not alone. My coach (Sandy) was alongside to encourage and guide me to success & freedom." - Laura H

"Thanks to Sandy, I found freedom when she enabled me to come out of my circumstances and deal with the heart of the matter."
- Maria C.

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Call today for a 
FREE Consultation! 
That's when you can ask any questions you have and decide if you are ready to work with a 
Freedom Coach.

CALL: (305)

No obligation!


Don't put it off - you'll be glad you called.

Sandy makes you feel comfortable when you talk to her. She's very easy to talk to.


What is a Freedom Coach?  What Can I Expect?

A Freedom Coach is someone who will help accelerate your personal growth so that you can find freedom from what stands in the way of your destiny. Most often what holds us back is not external circumstances, but internal obstacles that prevent us from moving forward into our purpose for being.

Most people have an intuitive sense that they are meant to do "more" with their lives, but they have no idea how to get there. That’s where a coach comes in. A coach helps you determine your direction and which steps you need to get there. A Freedom Coach listens to your heart, your struggles and your concerns - then plans a path with you to overcome your obstacles.

So many people are incredibly gifted and talented but don’t know how to demonstrate who they really are. Or they’ve been hurt and rejected so many times that they have given up trying. A Freedom Coach knows the territory of the heart where hidden pain resides and how to gently, diligently help you remove the stones and debris that block your path to wholeness.

Clients often remark on how amazingly simple the process is and yet how deeply rewarded they are for taking the opportunity to work with a coach.

Free Consultation

The initial consultation is free. This is when you can meet Sandy and get to know her style. She will ask about your interest in coaching and how she might be of service. By the end of the session, it will be clear to both of you whether or not there is a good fit for working together.

All appointments are confidential.

Individual, private sessions can be held in your home, office or other convenient locations. Appointments can be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly as needed. Sessions can be 60 or 90 minutes, as you prefer. Telephone coaching is 
available for those who cannot meet in person.

After your initial consultation, you will meet with Sandy either in person or over the phone for a 1 hour session. Your first session will be to discuss what you are looking for in coaching - what goal do you want to focus on? You and she will decide together on what direction you want to take to pursue this goal. She does not tell you what to do - rather she advises you on how to accomplish what you want and whether or not your expectations are realistic. By the end of the first session, you and she will agree on some "homework" to help you start on the path you've decided.

Sandy works with individuals as well as couple and families. With couples, she would meet with each one individually to hear "their story" and what individual goals or desires they have. Then she would meet with both partners in a joint session to discuss what steps need to be taken to move toward their goals. Most couples find this to be a very enriching experience! Being listened to by an open, non-judgmental, objective third-party often brings tremendous clarity to a couple's direction in life.

Subsequent sessions for both individuals and couples allow you to continue to process the direction you wish to take. As you complete the steps toward your goal, you and Sandy will reassess where you are and what needs to be done. Just having someone to listen, as a sounding board, to your "crazy" ideas and dreams brings great relief. It also validates you - that you have a right to be YOU, with no apologies!

Having someone who meets with you regularly keeps you moving forward - you don't get stuck in the busyness in life. You are motivated to accomplish the steps you want to take - setting goals and having someone keep you accountable is priceless!

Are you ready? Do you want to make some changes in your life? Then ...

Contact Sandy today!

 © 2011-2014 Sandy Walker, Destinysfreedom.com
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